The California Community Colleges Tableau User Group (CCC TUG) is a learning community for Tableau users within the community college system. With our own definitions, calculations, and laws, this is a space to discuss various topics, including getting started with Tableau, dashboard design/functionality, best practices, and much more.
This TUG meets virtually with the goal of collaborating, sharing ideas around issues facing the needs of our colleges and students, and creating a support network of data professionals.
We'd love to have you present, show off your Tableau skills, or ask a question/get feedback during a meeting. There are 3 ways to get involved:
If you want to participate, please complete this interest form.
Contact the CCC TUG co-leads at
Check out CCC TUG's shared drive of templates, dashboards, and other resources for those in higher education. If you have a resource to contribue, please email us and let us know (!
Virtual Event
CCC TUG April 2025 | DataVista ft. CCCCO
We're livin la DataVista this month with the Chancellor's Office! Go behind the scenes of their metrics platform showcasing information on the CCCs.
Virtual Event
CCC TUG October 2024 | Wickedly Cool Stuff in Tableau ft. Ken and Kevin Flerlage
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