Sep 19, 2024, 5:00 – 8:00 PM (UTC)
The Adelphi, 1-11 John Adam Street, Greater London, WC2N 6HT
Join us at London TUG on September 19th at The Economist for an evening filled with insightful talks and networking.
128 RSVP'd
Join us at London TUG on September 19th for an evening filled with insightful talks and networking opportunities. We're excited to host this event at The Economist offices in Embankment!
You may be interested in attending the Big Data LDN conference, taking place during the day. More information can be found here.
There will be plenty of networking opportunities at the TUG, plus food and drinks will be provided.
We'll also be running a fun quiz with some great prizes, plus other swag giveaways. You won't want to miss it!
Doors open at 6:00 pm for a 6:30 pm start. Please do not arrive before 6:00 pm as you will be denied access to the building.
Note: Please bring a government-issued ID to enter this event.
** This event is now SOLD OUT. If you are already registered but unable to make it, please update your RSVP **
Rosamund Pearce - Visual Data Journalist @ The Economist
Talk Title: Storytelling with Data at The Economist
Description: Rosamund will summarise The Economist's approach to storytelling with data, from decluttering a design to choosing the right type of chart.
Ellie Slater - Enablement Manager @ John Lewis Partnership
Talk Title: Vizathon: an initiative to engage a data community
Description: Discover how to engage your data community with Vizathons - an initiative created to focus on data storytelling, engagement & visualisations. Taking personal data or topical visualisations to inspire users to creatively find and tell stories within data.
Steve Yates - Senior Manager, Business Intelligence @ The Economist
Talk Title: Arc Charts in Tableau
Description: Learn how Steve built an arc chart in Tableau viz the 2024 UK election results. He'll talk through how he made it and some of the design decisions he had to make along the way.
No discussions are currently posted
John Lewis & Partners
Enablement Manager
The Economist
Senior Manager, Business Intelligence
The Economist
Visual Data Journalist
Thursday, September 19, 2024
5:00 PM – 8:00 PM (UTC)
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