Speed to Fundraising Insight

Advancement Tableau User Group

May 27, 2022, 4:00 – 5:00 PM


About this event

Building beautiful, functional Tableau dashboards is just one part of mastering the art of data visualization. Before your dashboards can deliver insights and inspire action, they must first be adopted by your user base. That's why user adoption is as critical to the Tableau dashboard development process as any other step. Our featured speakers will share valuable insights on how to make sure your Tableau dashboards get into the hands of those who need them the most. Join us to learn how you too can maximize the power and value of the dashboards you worked so hard to perfect.

Driving Data to the Deans

Rob Gibbons

The distance between Advancement, Development, and Academic Leadership is a long and winding road. Join us as we review the tools, timeline, and talent the University of South Carolina is using to make that journey possible - providing monthly fundraising results and metrics, via email, directly to the Deans.

We will touch on navigating from the very first installation of Tableau desktop, with just a handful of viewer licenses, to our current University-wide site license. This allows our team to provide visibility and insights to areas of campus that were not even on the roadmap 5 years ago.

Creating a Reporting Catalog to Promote Transparency and Dashboard Usage

Mia Wong

Since transitioning from static reports to dynamic reports, the NYU UDAR Business Intelligence (BI) team has published over 100 Tableau dashboards and SSRS self-service reports to serve the needs of 40+ NYU teams. With so many reports and end-users, the BI team needed a way for users to search for the right report that suited their business needs. Mia will walk us through the end result of this project: a BI Reporting Catalog.


  • Ron Eisenstein


    User Group Ambassador

  • Mohammed Dasser


    User Group Leader

  • Jessie Rader

    University of Nebraska Foundation

    User Group Leader

  • Tam Vuong

    UC Berkeley

    Senior Director, Information Strategy & Analytics

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