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It’s Valentine’s Day—the perfect day to celebrate our love for data! Join us for a fun and informative meeting in which Elisa Davis (Climate Reality Project) and Kelly Douglas (Caltech) share their passion for Tableau and the many creative ways it tells a story. Elisa and Kelly, both Tableau veterans, plan to share with us the dashboards that earned them top prizes in recent competitions. Hear their tips for how to set your work apart so you can take your Tableau game to the next level.
Building a Bird’s Eye View from the Ground Up
Elisa Davis
Elisa will walk us through the process of putting together her award-winning Prospect/Portfolio Overview dashboard, focusing on how to combine easy-to-build dashboard elements to create deep insights for fundraisers, researchers and executives.
During the presentation, Elisa will share the key business questions she considered in developing this dashboard, as well as how these informed her design decisions. She’ll highlight lessons learned from deploying a similar tool to fundraisers at Nevada. And, she’ll share some Tableau tips and tricks that help build user confidence in the data presented (hint – tooltips and crosstabs are amazing allies). If your goal is to build a similar tool yourself, Elisa’s hope is that by the end of this talk you’ll feel inspired, empowered and ready to get started.
Winning Animations: Bring Your Dashboard to Life
Kelly Douglas
Kelly will give us a unique look “under the hood” of the dashboard she created for the Advancement TUG Challenge last November. See how she was able to make this adorable, fun, and functional Tableau tool. Not only that, there may be an updated theme to celebrate the holiday.
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