Tableau + AI TUG | Featuring Tableau's Vidya Setlur

AI + Tableau User Group

Jun 3, 2024, 4:00 – 5:00 PM (UTC)

Welcome to our inaugural user group for Tableau + AI with featured speaker Vidya Setlur (Tableau), a brief custom GPT demo from Adam Mico + a contest announcement!

Community-LedGenerative AI

244 RSVP'd

About this event

Event Details

Event Date: June 3rd

Event Time

  • 12-1:00 PM New York Time
  • 5-6:00 PM London/Lagos Time
  • 1-2:00 AM Tokyo Time (June 4th)
  • 9:00 AM Seattle Time

Speaker Information

Vidya Setlur

Title: Visualizing the Future: The Role of AI and Large Language Models in Supporting Visual Analysis

Description: Data-based decision making is becoming a core doctrine of modern businesses and organizations. How do people interact with data? They must be able to see it, either as a list, table, map, time series, scatterplot—through visualization. The power of visualization leads naturally to the question of how to present data to people so they can best understand it. The more interesting questions arise when we think of visualizations as a form of visual language for communication. With the advent of large language models such as GPT-4, there are new opportunities to use computer-generated language and semantic understanding for data analysis. Supported by practical examples and research, this talk will describe AI themes inspired by cognitive psychology, design, information retrieval, and visualization. Through a set of vignettes, Vidya will describe ways in which AI-augmented information can be presented to humans that is both meaningful and delightful.

Adam Mico

Title: VizCritique Pro Demo

Description: VizCritique Pro is a specialized tool designed to assess and provide feedback on dashboard designs. This tool is aimed at helping users refine their data visualization skills by evaluating dashboards based on key criteria such as audience insight, storytelling, simplicity, and layout organization. The evaluation process emphasizes custom feedback tailored to each submission, encouraging continuous improvement and effective data presentation. In a 10-minute demo, we will showcase how VizCritique Pro analyzes a submitted dashboard, highlights its strengths, and suggests areas for improvement, using a structured and detailed feedback template. This demo will also illustrate how VizCritique Pro can be a pivotal tool for anyone looking to enhance the impact and clarity of their data visualizations.

Will Sutton

Title: Logo and Banner Contest 

Join our design contest to create a new logo and banner! We're seeking submissions for a logo (1000x1000 pixels) and a banner (2560x650 pixels), with a prize of $50 for each winner. Submit your high-resolution designs through the provided Google Form. Showcase your creativity and you could be one of our celebrated winners!










タイトル:Visualizing the Future ビジュアルアナリシスを支援するAIとLLMの役割




Adam Mico

VizCritique Proデモ

VizCritique Proは、ダッシュボードデザインを評価し、フィードバックを提供するための専門ツールです。


10分間のデモでは、VizCritique Proがダッシュボードをどのように分析し、その強みを強調し、改善点を提案するかを構造化された詳細なフィードバックテンプレートを使用して紹介します。このデモは、データ視覚化の影響と明確さを向上させたいと考えているすべての人にとって、VizCritique Proがいかに重要なツールであるかを示します。

Will Sutton





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  • Vidya Setlur


    Senior Director, Tableau Research

  • Will Sutton

    The Information Lab

    Tableau/Alteryx Consultant

  • Adam Mico


    Principal, Data Visualization and Enablement



Monday, June 3, 2024
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM (UTC)


4:00 PM
Visualizing the Future: The Role of AI and Large Language Models in Supporting Visual Analysis by Vidya Setlur
Data-based decision making is becoming a core doctrine of modern businesses and organizations. How do people interact with data? They must be able to see it, either as a list, table, map, time series, scatterplot—through visualization. The power of visualization leads naturally to the question of how to present data to people so they can best understand it. The more interesting questions arise when we think of visualizations as a form of visual language for communication. With the advent of large language models such as GPT-4, there are new opportunities to use computer-generated language and semantic understanding for data analysis. Supported by practical examples and research, this talk will describe AI themes inspired by cognitive psychology, design, information retrieval, and visualization. Through a set of vignettes, Vidya will describe ways in which AI-augmented information can be presented to humans that is both meaningful and delightful.
4:30 PM
VizCritique Pro Demo by Adam Mico
VizCritique Pro is a specialized tool designed to assess and provide feedback on dashboard designs. This tool is aimed at helping users refine their data visualization skills by evaluating dashboards based on key criteria such as audience insight, storytelling, simplicity, and layout organization. The evaluation process emphasizes custom feedback tailored to each submission, encouraging continuous improvement and effective data presentation. In a 10-minute demo, we will showcase how VizCritique Pro analyzes a submitted dashboard, highlights its strengths, and suggests areas for improvement, using a structured and detailed feedback template. This demo will also illustrate how VizCritique Pro can be a pivotal tool for anyone looking to enhance the impact and clarity of their data visualizations.
5:00 PM
Logo and Banner Contest by Will Sutton
Join our design contest to create a new logo and banner! We're seeking submissions for a logo (1000x1000 pixels) and a banner (2560x650 pixels), with a prize of $50 for each winner. Submit your high-resolution designs through the provided Google Form. Showcase your creativity and you could be one of our celebrated winners!


  • Rika Fuijiwara


    Consultant (Data Visualization Specialist)

  • Will Sutton

    The Information Lab

    Tableau/Alteryx Consultant

  • Adam Mico


    Principal, Data Visualization and Enablement

  • Joy Victor

    DataedX Group

    Data Analyst


  • Rika Fujiwara



  • Will Sutton

    The Information Lab


  • Adam Mico


    Principal, Data Visualization and Enablement

  • Joy Victor


    Data Analyst

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