CCC TUG August 2024 | Birthday Bash

California Community Colleges Tableau User Group

Aug 14, 2024, 8:00 – 9:30 PM (UTC)

76 RSVP'd

About this event

CCC TUG Birthday Party

It's true what they say...TUGs really do grow up so fast! The CCC TUG is turning 1, and we're having a birthday bash celebrating all of you and your work.

Tableau Showcase

Ryan Feyk-Miney (Clovis College)

Feeder School and Local Area Statistics: Learn about how Clovis College showcases data from local zip codes and their feeder high schools.

Adam Lange (Skyline College)

UC CSU Student Transfer: See how Skyline College visualizes transfer applications, admissions, and enrollments to California State Universities (CSUs) and University of California (UC) campuses among Skyline students.

Armando Cortez (Allan Hancock College)

Escape Cave: Embark on a journey of data and wonder. Embody one of four seasoned adventurers as you explore the vast expanse of the New World. But take heed as you never know what dangers await in dark corners. Use your sharpened wits and cunning to overcome any obstacles and emerge unscathed. Fortune and recognition await those brave enough to venture forth. Afterwards, pull up and chair and listen to the dashboard building process and the nuts and bolts behind it all. 

🎈📊Birthday Data Challenge📊🎈

What good birthday party doesn't have a data challenge? We want to see you take on this dataset provided by Makeover Monday, and create a viz focusing on how popular the CCC TUG's birthday is (Aug 30). During the meeting, we'll explore the vizzes folks came up with and discuss any challenges you had working with this data. 

Please submit your viz here by August 12, 2024, and you will be entered into a drawing for a Tableau store gift card!

Office Hours

How's this for a birthday present? Building a Sankey in Tableau without any data prep, templates, or headaches? Now you can!  Kim Coutts (MiraCosta College) will demonstrate how to build a Sankey using the new Viz Extensions feature in 2024.2


  • Armando Cortez

    Allan Hancock College

  • Ryan Feyk-Miney

    Clovis College

    Director of Institutional Research, Planning, and Effectiveness

  • Adam Lange

    Alcove Insights



  • Lisa Trescott

    MiraCosta College

    User Group Leader

  • Samantha Homier

    San Bernardino Valley College

    User Group Leader

  • Kimberly Coutts

    MiraCosta College

    User Group Leader

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