Start a Tableau User Group

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Inspire the DataFam Community by becoming a Tableau User Group Leader. Share your expertise and help others connect by creating fun and engaging events. Join these amazing group of hardworking individuals by applying to become a Tableau User Group Leader.

Tableau Enthusiast

You love Tableau and understand the benefits of learning a tool like this can do for you and others. You want to shout about your love of Tableau from the rooftops!


You understand that putting on inclusive events with engaging topics creates a reason for people to come back event after event and bring others along with them.


We ask that our leaders run at least 4 events a year, so that requires that you're a good planner and can be organized enough to run an amazing event


You've done the work of planning these events now it's time to promote and get people excited to join. Share with your network and local community. Spread the word.

Backed by Tableau

Though Tableau User Groups are owned and run by leaders, Tableau is still here to support you in an avenue of many different ways

  • Swag for your attendees
  • Reimbursement
  • Dedicated Community Management Team
  • TUG Leader Guidebook and other resources to help make you a better leader
  • Access to TUG Leader Slack Workspace
  • Discount codes for Tableau/Salesforce events
  • More…

Tableau User Group Leader Eligibility

Before you apply to start a Tableau User Group or join an existing TUG Community Group's leadership team, there are a few items you will need to verify at a minimum:

  • You are active in the Tableau ecosystem and are excited to create an environment to promote sharing and learning with other customers.
  • You have knowledge in the type of Tableau User Group you'd like to lead. This doesn't mean you're an expert, but you have the enthusiasm to learn more and the reach to bring knowledge experts to your meetings.
  • You have checked the current Tableau User Group directory to verify that the group you wish to start doesn't already exist, and that there isn't already another group within a the same city (Exception: different group types may exist in the same region or region-specific circumstance that would warrant an exception to the proximity rule). The TUG Community Team will verify this information in the application process.
  • You will be able to host at least four useful, informative, and fun virtual or in-person meetings a year.
  • You will encourage members of your community to network, learn, share and collaborate.
  • You reside or work in the location of your proposed Tableau User Group.
  • You're ready to have fun and ensure your members are having fun as well.
  • Salesforce/Tableau Employees may not apply 
  • Groups cannot have all leaders be from the same company 
  • If you're a government employee, you've returned to Tableau the signed clearance from your employer.

Not interested in leading your own Tableau User Group but would like to participate by speaking at one of your local or virtual events? Apply to be a speaker