Inventory Classification @Ricardo: A red shoe story

Data + Women Zurich

Jan 20, 2022, 12:00 – 1:00 AM


About this event

This is an event that occurred in the past which has been imported for data purposes.

In case you missed our latest #datapluswomen event about #machinelearning and how it is used at Ricardo for inventory classification you can watch the recording!

@Laure Fouilloux talked us through how she and her team built a classification algorithm to categorize second-hand goods at Ricardo marketplace. She explained the approach they took to first develop a proof of concept and then iterate quickly to put the model into production, what impact it had so far on buyers, sellers and Ricardo itself- and what is next on the roadmap at Ricardo to improve customer experience with machine learning. Thank you for the amazing talk, Laure, and a big shout out to all the ones joining!#machinelearning #customerexperience


  • Annabelle Rincon

    Enjoying Life

    User Group Leader

  • Olivia Sliz

    D+W Zurich Co-Leader

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