Join us for an HEpiCCC TUG where we talk all things transfers! It's going to be one HE CCC of an event!
377 RSVP'd
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Soundrack: “One HECCC of a Meeting” by Data Lipa (AI Lisa Trescott)
Tatiana and John will be talking about some of the work that the Community College Research Center (CCRC) does with transfers.
Sam will be sharing a Tableau Prep flow working with National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) transfer data.
Four houses, four variations of sorts. Where will the sorting hat place your data?
We'll close out the meeting with info about our next TUG meetings, and then open up breakout rooms to chat! (Chat may extend past 4:30pm Eastern.)
Proud of something you did in Tableau? Show it off! Whether it's a dashboard, prep flow, calculation, chart type, etc., we want to see it! Have a quick tip to share? A longer presentation? Want us to interview you in our Meet a Community Member segment? We want to hear from you!
Want to chat with other HETUG members? Have a Tableau question? Want a sounding board? We've got a Slack space for that.
Register with an .edu or other Higher Ed email address.
Go to Higher Ed Tableau Slack!
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