HETUG August 2023: Slated for an afternoon at the art museum with survey data

Higher Education Tableau User Group

Aug 15, 2023, 7:00 – 8:30 PM (UTC)

Meet Aimee Shi (Pratt) who came to data via the arts; learn how to write from Slate to Tableau with Eldrid Sequeira (Mercy); and dig into survey data with Heather Lewis (Augusta).

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About this event


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Meet a Community Member

Aimee Shi (Pratt)

We'll showcase Aimee Shi from the Pratt Institute, whose journey through UX and the arts led her to data strategy. 

Tips & Tricks: Writing from Slate to Tableau

Eldrid Sequeira (Mercy)

A number of higher education institutions are using Slate to support the admissions process.

A number of higher education institutions are using Tableau to support the admissions process.

Naturally, those of you using Slate and Tableau are probably wondering, "Can I connect to my Slate data in Tableau?" Eldrid Sequeira is back to show us how!

Survey Data and Tableau

Heather Lewis (Augusta)

Back in June, we spotlighted Heather in our Meet a Community Member segment. She's returning to share how Augusta uses Tableau for survey data analysis and visualization.

Tableau Licensing Changes

Coleman Wagoner and Adam Ingram-Eiser (Tableau)

Permanent Tableau licenses are on their way out and subscription licenses are taking over. Coleman and Adam will share how changes in Tableau's licensing model will impact us in Higher Education, and will stick around to answer questions.

Wrap-up and Chat

We'll close out the meeting with info about our next HETUG meeting, and then open up breakout rooms to chat! (Chat may extend past 4:30pm Eastern.)

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Have questions about HETUG?

Contact the HETUG co-leads in the #higher_ed_tug Slack channel, or email us at higheredtug@gmail.com.


  • Eldrid Sequeira

  • Heather Lewis

    Augusta University

  • Coleman Wagoner

  • Adam Ingram-Eise


  • Roshni Gohil


    User Group Ambassador

  • Virginia Moench

    Appalachian State University

    User Group Leader

  • Andrew Drinkwater

    Plaid Analytics

    User Group Leader


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