HETUG July 2023: Celebrating HETUG with dysfunctional relationships and interactive factbooks

Higher Education Tableau User Group

Jul 11, 2023, 7:00 – 8:30 PM

As we hit two years of HETUG, we'll get to know the HETUG community, Andrew Drinkwater will noodle around with dysfunctional relationships, and Christy Simpson will help us engage and interact with online factbooks.

Best PracticesCommunity SpotlightCommunity-LedNetworking

276 RSVP'd

About this event


Log in, grab a treat, and take a comfortable seat.

Meet a Community Member

HETUG Community

As we hit 2 years of HETUG, we'll reflect on how we've grown, and we'll all get to participate in an epic lightning round.

Tips & Tricks: Noodling Around With Dysfunctional Relationships

Andrew Drinkwater (Plaid Analytics, CIRPA)

Relationships don't always work out quite as you'd like them to. Join Andrew Drinkwater as he noodles around with some dysfunctional Tableau relationship problems, and shows you how to use your noodle to fix those relationships.

Engage and Interact: Using Tableau to Create an Interactive Online Factbook

Christy Simpson (TTUHSC)

Online factbooks are a great way to provide transparent and regular communication with stakeholders on how an institution measures up to standards, no matter where those stakeholders reside. However, many of those factbooks are a bit flat and are only a birds-eye view.

In 2020, the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Nursing set out to take a flat report and make it more interactive for a variety of end users. Christy will share how the TTUHSC team used Tableau and Tableau Public to create a multi-tab one-stop-shop workbook that contains something for everyone.

Wrap-up and Chat

We'll close out the meeting with info about our next HETUG meeting, and then open up breakout rooms to chat!

Can't get enough HETUG?

Want to present?

Have a quick tip to share? A longer presentation? Want us to interview you in our Meet a Community Member segment? We want to hear from you!

Present at HETUG!

Join the conversation on Slack!

Want to chat with other HETUG members? Have a Tableau question? Want a sounding board? We've got a Slack space for that.

Register with an .edu or other Higher Ed email address.

Go to HETUG Slack!

Have questions about HETUG?

Contact the HETUG co-leads in the #higher_ed_tug Slack channel, or email us at higheredtug@gmail.com.


  • Andrew Drinkwater

    Plaid Analytics

  • Christy Simpson



  • Roshni Gohil


    User Group Ambassador

  • Virginia Moench

    Appalachian State University

    User Group Leader

  • Andrew Drinkwater

    Plaid Analytics

    User Group Leader

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