HETUG March 2022: Contain your excitement about sharing dashboards

Higher Education Tableau User Group

Mar 31, 2022, 7:00 – 8:30 PM (UTC)

Take a break from your March Madness and join us for the March HETUG meeting!

Best PracticesCommunity SpotlightCommunity-LedNetworking

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About this event

Welcome and Announcements

Log in, grab a treat, and take a comfortable seat.

Meet a Community Member

Rebecca Carr (Southeast Community College)

Who will we spotlight? Meet Rebecca Carr from Southeast Community College in Nebraska.

Tips & Tricks: Contain your excitement!

Roshni Gohil (MIT)

Roshni is going to show some neat ways to get a handle on your containers. Hopefully these tips will keep your dashboard from looking like a failed March Madness bracket.

Building a data community at Queen's University

Lydia Scholle-Cotton and Alicia Peltsch (Queen's University, Kingston, ON)

Lydia and Alicia will present on how they've made collaborating across teams on shared dashboards work in a largely decentralized organizational model, and the challenges they've faced along the way.

Wrap-up and Chat

We'll close out the meeting with info about the next meeting and then open up breakout rooms to chat!


  • Roshni Gohil


    User Group Ambassador

  • Virginia Moench

    Appalachian State University

    User Group Leader

  • Andrew Drinkwater

    Plaid Analytics

    User Group Leader

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