HETUG October 2023: Give Public feedback with deep linking with URL actions in all the zip codes

Higher Education Tableau User Group

Oct 17, 2023, 7:00 – 8:30 PM (UTC)

Meet Tableau Public Ambassador Preethi Lodha (UMass), learn how to use URL actions for tightening feedback loops and deep linking with Brian Vancil (UKansas), and go the distance with zip codes with Nathan Hodges (WCU)

Best PracticesCommunity SpotlightCommunity-LedNetworking

209 RSVP'd

About this event


Log in, grab a treat, and take a comfortable seat.

Meet a Community Member

Preethi Lodha (UMass)

Let's do it in Public, Tableau Public that is! We'll chat with Tableau Public Ambassador and co-lead for the new Tableau Public User Group, Preethi Lodha. She'll share her journey with data and Tableau, and maybe we can get her talking about how her seat on the Tableau for Teaching Instructor Advisory Council gets students started on the road to Tableau success.

Preethi's links: Tableau Public | LinkedIn | X (formerly Twitter) 

Links Preethi mentioned: Tableau Public User Group | Tableau for Teaching | University Teaching & Learning TUG | Viz for Social Good 

Tips & Tricks - URL Actions

Brian Vancil (UKansas)

It's fitting that we'll have someone from smack dab in the middle of the US talk about how Tableau URL actions are a great middleman between Tableau dashboards and other systems. Brian will show how they can be used to pre-fill forms with data from your dashboard, and deep link into other systems to automate connections to other sources of information.

Brian's links: Tableau Public | LinkedIn | Mastodon
Brian's Presentation
 (includes links to sample workbooks on Tableau Public)

Isochrone Maps:  How Regional is Your Regional University?

Nathan Hodges (WCU)

You may remember Nathan's Parking Wars: Tableau Edition presentation during our March MAPNess HETUG. Nathan's back with some more mapping fun! We're going to go the distance. 

Nathan's links: Tableau PublicLinkedIn 

Nathan's Presentation (download the file and open it on your desktop; includes links to many resources and APIs)

Wrap-up and Chat

We'll close out the meeting with info about our next HETUG meeting, and then open up breakout rooms to chat! (Chat may extend past 4:30pm Eastern.)

Can't get enough HETUG?

Want to present?

Have a quick tip to share? A longer presentation? Want us to interview you in our Meet a Community Member segment? We want to hear from you!

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Want to chat with other HETUG members? Have a Tableau question? Want a sounding board? We've got a Slack space for that.

Register with an .edu or other Higher Ed email address.

Go to HETUG Slack!

Have questions about HETUG?

Contact the HETUG co-leads in the #higher_ed_tug Slack channel, or email us at higheredtug@gmail.com.


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  • Roshni Gohil


    User Group Ambassador

  • Virginia Moench

    Appalachian State University

    User Group Leader

  • Andrew Drinkwater

    Plaid Analytics

    User Group Leader

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