Sep 17, 2024, 7:00 – 8:30 PM (UTC)
We'll meet Denny Bromley (Tableau Research), who'll give us a sneak peak at what's new in visualization research and the VIS 2024 Conference (spoiler: VIS 2024 X TUG Watch Parties are happening!). Eric Atchison (Arkansas State University System) will talk about suppressing data in Tableau, and Roshni Gohil (MIT) will reveal what's in the XML and JSON underneath Tableau Workbooks and Prep Flows.
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Next month, in addition to our regular HETUG meeting on Oct. 22, we'll be hosting a bunch of VIS 2024 X TUG Watch Parties to see what's new in visualization and visual analytics research. This month, we're lucky enough to have Denny Bromley from Tableau Research join us to share more about what that research looks like, and what we, as data vis practitioners, may learn from partnering with the visualization research community and participating in the watch parties.
Privacy concerns are ever-present in our work. Eric will walk you through step-by-step how to create simplified data suppression for using a series of equations and discuss data suppression practices.
👷 Under the <Dash/>{"boardwalk":} 🏄
Did you know that underneath each Tableau Desktop .twb file, there's XML source code?
Did you know that underneath each Tableau Prep .tfl file, there's JSON source code?
We'll cover some use cases for looking at the source code, how to make sense of the underlying structures in both types of files, and how carefully editing the code (at your own risk; always make a backup first!) can help you update Tableau workbooks and flows more efficiently.
We'll close out the meeting with info about our next HETUG meeting, and then open up breakout rooms to chat! (Chat may extend past 4:30pm Eastern.)
Have a quick tip to share? A longer presentation? Want us to interview you in our Meet a Community Member segment? We want to hear from you!
Want to chat with other HETUG members? Have a Tableau question? Want a sounding board? We've got a Slack space for that.
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Contact the HETUG co-leads in the #higher_ed_tug Slack channel, or email us at
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