VIS 2024 X TUG Watch Party | Perception and Cognition

Higher Education Tableau User Group

Oct 16, 3:55 – 5:30 PM (UTC)

Join us virtually to watch and discuss VIS 2024 presentations together!

Best PracticesCommunity-LedGenerative AINetworking

59 RSVP'd

About this event

VIS 2024 X TUG Watch Parties

In October 2000, at the INFOVIS Conference in Salt Lake City, UT, USA, Stanford University's Chris Stolte and Pat Hanrahan presented on a little research project called Polaris.

Fast forward a few years and INFOVIS became part of VIS, and Polaris, well, it became Tableau.

Researchers across academia, government, and yes, even companies like Tableau, have continued to dig into how to visualize data better. That research is presented at conferences like IEEE VIS every year. This year, we’re hosting virtual VIS X TUG Watch Parties to watch VIS 2024 presentations live and discuss how the research findings can help us data viz better.

We’ll see presentations on how humans group and compare bars in bar charts, the impact of text in interactive dashboards, an update on rainbow colormaps, a little on data visualization literacy, and all sorts of content on Generative AI, Natural Language, and data visualization.

What we learn from these presentations will help us, as data viz practitioners, make better dashboard design decisions, assist the users of our vizzes in their decision making, and better understand what’s on the horizon with AI and data viz.

Perception and Cognition

Want more VIS 2024?

Check out the VIS 2024 Website to see the full program, including workshops, tutorials, panels, and so much more that we won't be viewing at the VIS 2024 X TUG Watch Parties.

To stay in the loop about VIS 2024 and future VIS events, sign up for the VIS mailing list.

Do I need to register for VIS 2024 to attend these TUG watch parties?

You do not need to register for VIS 2024 to participate in the VIS 2024 X TUG watch parties. HETUG has gotten permission from VIS 2024 organizers to stream VIS sessions during the watch parties.

However, if you'd like to rewatch any sessions, see talks that we're not covering during the watch parties, or participate in any of the workshops, tutorials, panels, or other content, you should register.

Virtual registration for VIS 2024 includes access to:

  • all conference sessions, including workshops, tutorials panels, and other associated events
  • online content including downloadable proceedings
  • conference Discord to meet other VIS attendees and continue discussions after the sessions

Can't get enough HETUG?

Want to present?

Have a quick tip to share? A longer presentation? Want us to interview you in our Meet a Community Member segment? We want to hear from you!

Present at HETUG!

Join the conversation on Slack!

Want to chat with other HETUG members? Have a Tableau question? Want a sounding board? We've got a Slack space for that.

Register with an .edu or other Higher Ed email address.

Go to HETUG Slack!

Have questions about HETUG?

Contact the HETUG co-leads in the #higher_ed_tug Slack channel, or email us at


  • Roshni Gohil


    User Group Ambassador

  • Virginia Moench

    Appalachian State University

    User Group Leader

  • Andrew Drinkwater

    Plaid Analytics

    User Group Leader

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