Jaipur TUG - Inaugural Insights Vision, Mission, and Future Unveiled

Jaipur Tableau User Group

Oct 22, 2023, 3:30 – 4:30 AM

Community SpotlightCommunity-LedNetworkingPanel

42 RSVP'd

About this event

Welcome to our group event, "Welcome & Introductions"! This gathering marks the beginning of an exciting journey where like-minded individuals come together to explore, learn, and collaborate. During this event, we will cover the following key aspects:

Warm Welcome: We'll start with a warm welcome to all attendees, setting a friendly and inclusive tone for our gathering.

Introductions: This is the perfect opportunity for everyone to introduce themselves. Whether you're a seasoned member or a newcomer, we value your unique perspectives and experiences.

Vision, Mission, and Goals: We will delve into the core principles that drive this group. Our vision, mission, and goals are the compass guiding our actions and discussions. Discover what makes our group special and how you can be part of its success.

Chat about the Future: The future is filled with possibilities, and we want to hear your thoughts. We'll engage in an open discussion about the direction of our User Group. What kind of content excites you? Who would you like to see as guest speakers? How often should we hold events? Your input will shape our path forward.

Closing Statements: As we conclude the event, we'll summarize the key takeaways and action points. You'll leave with a clear understanding of our group's direction and how you can actively participate and contribute.

Join us for an evening of connection, inspiration, and collaboration as we kickstart this exciting journey together. Your presence and input are invaluable as we work towards a brighter future for our User Group.


  • Viraj Bhargave


    Lead Analyst



Sunday, October 22, 2023
3:30 AM – 4:30 AM UTC


Start with Group Leaders Presentations & Speaker Intro
Embarking on a Journey: Exploring TUG Community
Closing Statements



    Founder & CEO of Vivaansh Consulting Pvt. Ltd. & CodeWithTarun


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