Madison TUG Q1 2024 Meeting: Come to the Nerd Side, We Have Pie!

Madison Tableau User Group

Mar 14, 7:15 – 9:30 PM

Baker Tilly US, LLP, 4807 Innovate Lane, Madison, 53718

Join us for Pi Day! We will be kicking off 2024 in style with comparison charts galore...and of course, pie! Join us to hear from our amazing speakers, weigh in on your thoughts about pie charts, and stick around to network and eat some pie!

55 RSVP'd

About this event

We're kicking off 2024 with a day of celebration for one of our favorite holidays - pi day! We have an amazing speaker line up for you! Brent Dykes, author of Effective Data Storytelling and Founder & Chief Data Storyteller at AnalyticsHero, LLC will be joining us to speak about data storytelling and how it can help drive better insights from your analytics. Then Sarah Carr from the WI Department of Corrections will be sharing some examples of comparison and pie charts. There is also an exciting opportunity for you to be a consultant in our "To Pie or Not to Pie" comparison chart review session. Stick around because afterwards there will be networking, nerdy card/board games, and pie and other snacks and drinks!


  • Sarah Carr

    State of Wisconsin

    Research Analyst

  • Brent Dykes

    AnalyticsHero, LLC

    Founder/Chief Data Storyteller



Thursday, March 14, 2024
7:15 PM – 9:30 PM UTC


Meeting Kick-off
Brent Dykes: Effective Data Storytelling, How to Turn Insights into Action
Break & Swag Giveaway
Sarah Carr: Nothing Compares to Comparison Charts
You're the Consultant Now: To Pie or Not to Pie
On-site Networking & Happy Hour!


  • Olivia Butler

    WI Dept. of Employee Trust Funds

    BI & Analytics Lead

  • Robert Salas

    Palindromic Data Solutions

    Owner / Consultant


  • Jen Shepherd

    Inland Data Insights, LLC

    User Group Ambassador

  • Olivia Butler

    Wisconsin Department of Employee Trust Funds

    User Group Leader

  • Robert Salas

    Palindromic Data Solutions, LLC

    User Group Leader

  • Brad Darwin

    Cuna Mutual Group

    User Group Leader

  • Jeffrey Kritzman

    Keyrus US

    Senior Consultant

  • John Westbury

    Wisconsin Department of Children and Families

    Tableau User Group Leader

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