Marketing + Market Research TUG April 2024: How To Do Cool Stuff In Tableau w/ The Flerlage Twins

Marketing and Market Research Tableau User Group

Apr 23, 2024, 4:00 – 5:30 PM (UTC)

For our April meeting, we'll get to know a few community members, hear from the world-renowned Flerlage Twins about cool Tableau stuff, and connect with other attendees.

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108 RSVP'd

About this event


Come on in and make yourself comfortable!

Meet a Community Member

We'll meet a few community members and learn about their journeys with Tableau and Marketing/Market Research.

How to do Cool Stuff in Tableau

Ken and Kevin Flerlage, Moxy Analytics

In this session, identical twins and long-time Tableau Visionaries (Zen Masters), Ken and Kevin Flerlage (The Flerlage Twins) will show you how to do “a bunch of cool stuff in Tableau”. They will work through cool techniques, new features, mind-blowing tips, and other “stuff” that will help you take your business and personal dashboards to the next level and make you more efficient in doing so.


Small breakout groups to make new connections and learn from each other!

Wrap up

What's next for the TUG?

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  • Kevin Flerlage

    Moxy Analytics

    Tableau Evangelist/Data Visualization Consultant

  • Ken Flerlage

    Moxy Analytics

    Tableau Evangelist/Data Engineering Consultant


  • Josh Wilson

    Josh Wilson Consulting, LLC

    Advanced Analytics and Insights Consultant

  • Sharon Resheff

    Sharon Resheff Consulting

    CEO & Founder

  • Luigi Cicciari


    Vice President Operations

  • Sarah Pallett


    Technical Consultant


  • Josh Wilson

    Josh Wilson Consulting LLC

    User Group Leader

  • Vinodh Kumar V R


    User Group Leader

  • Sharon Resheff

    Sharon Resheff Consulting

    Tableau User Group Leader

  • Sarah Pallett

    Tableau Consultant

    Analytics Consultant

  • Luigi Cicciari


    Vice President Operations

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