Melbourne Tableau User Group - June 2023

Melbourne Tableau User Group

Jun 7, 2023, 7:30 – 10:00 AM (UTC)

RMIT - Building 80, Room: 80.08.10 (Level 8), 445 Swanston Street, Melbourne, 3000

Best PracticesCommunity-LedNetworking

53 RSVP'd

About this event

Join us on June 7th to learn about the latest and greatest in Tableau. You may even pick some new tips and tricks along the way.


No discussions are currently posted


  • Penny Privett


    Data Visualisation Lead

  • Dan Lawson

    The Data School Down Under

    Data Analytics/Engineering Consultant

  • Larry Dioneda


    Principal Solutions Engineer



Wednesday, June 7, 2023
7:30 AM – 10:00 AM (UTC)


7:30 AM
Arrival & Networking/Drinks & Nibblies
7:45 AM
Welcome & Introductions
8:00 AM
Penny Privett: How to build dynamic, colour changing headers
In this demo, our newest TUG leader, Penny, will demonstrate how to build a dynamic, colour changing header using AFL match stats as the sample data.
8:30 AM
Dan Lawson: From business owner to Data Analyst
How can one Tableau dashboard change your life? Learn how Dan pivoted from running his own photography business to learning and excelling with Tableau at the Data School Down Under. In his talk, Dan will share his experiences including the things he has learned along the way.
9:00 AM
Larry Dioneda: A look at Tableau 2023.1
Tableau 2023.1 is the latest release that offers new features and updates to help you streamline your analytics workflow and make data-driven decisions faster. With Accelerator Data Mapping, Google Drive integration, customisable dynamic axis titles, and direct publishing to Tableau Cloud, Tableau 2023.1 is designed to help you work more efficiently with your data and gain deeper insights into your business or organisation. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced user, there's something here for everyone.
9:30 AM
Wrap up & Networking


  • Kimly Scott

    Tableau Ambassador

    User Group Leader

  • Penelope Privett


    Data Visualisation Lead

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