Nov 3, 2024, 11:30 PM – Nov 4, 2024, 1:30 AM (UTC)
Irvine Ranch Water District - Community Meeting Room, 15500 Sand Canyon Avenue, Irvine, 92618
21 RSVP'd
Join us for the November 2024 Orange County Tableau User Group meeting! We're meeting in person and sharing tips, nerding out about Tableau, and growing our community. We'll have pizza and drinks, plus cool Tableau swag for attendees, with a prize draw for those who submit an OC TUG Viz Challenge entry.
To participate in the OC TUG Viz Challenge, you should create a viz on Tableau Public that has something to do with life in Orange County! Get creative! In the past we've done vizzes on Disneyland, local bands, politics and more. To help you if you're stuck, this month we've also suggested the theme: OC Voter Data. You can download the data set by using Alison's voter data from the last viz challenge:
Just delete the existing viz and use the extracted data source. This dataset has three tables (be sure to unhide hidden fields to see everything!):
- elections.csv: This table has precinct-level results for every contest in every election going back to 2012.
- precincts.csv: This table has the registered voters and ballots cast by precinct and election.
- Precinct_2024GE_Public.shp: This table has the shapefiles for precincts as of 2024. Please note that precincts get redrawn periodically so precinct geographic data may not be applicable for historical elections.
Don't forget to tag your Tableau Public vizzes with #OCTUG and/or #OCTUGVizChallenge!
Our event is again at the Irvine Ranch Water District meeting room, off Sand Canyon in Irvine. It's easy to get to but GPS might take you to the wrong entrance! From northbound Sand Canyon, heading towards the 5, take the main entrance into the Irvine Ranch Water District complex. At the T, turn LEFT, following the signs to the Community Meeting Room. It's the door on the right, just before the road curves around to the back. You can park anywhere in the lot on the left. The address is 15500 Sand Canyon Ave, or use coordinates 33.66846, -117.765286.
Please note: Irvine Ranch Water District makes its facilities available for use by residents and nonprofit organizations merely as a public service, but does not, by allowing this use, endorse or support the purpose of the event or its sponsor.
November 3 – 4, 2024
11:30 PM – 1:30 AM (UTC)
11:30 PM | Check-In |
11:45 PM | Introductions + Welcome |
12:00 AM | Tableau Tip and/or Trick |
12:15 AM | Guest Speaker TBD |
12:45 AM | #OCTUG Viz Submissions |
1:00 AM | Networking |
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