SG Tableau User Group - May 2023

Singapore Tableau User Group

May 24, 2023, 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM (UTC)

library@harbourfront, Programme Zone 2, 1 HarbourFront Walk, Singapore, 098585

Join us for an evening of learning, networking and fun as we share all things related to data visualisation using Tableau!

Best PracticesCommunity-LedNetworkingTableau ConferenceViz Games

51 RSVP'd

About this event

Join us on 24th May 2023 at library@harbourfront @ Vivocity as we bring you post-event coverage of what happened at the Tableau Conference '23, as well as go behind the scenes of one of the top 15 #IronViz Qualifiers - It was NEVER about the dragons!


No discussions are currently posted



Wednesday, May 24, 2023
10:30 AM – 12:00 PM (UTC)


10:30 AM
Welcome & Announcements
Introducing the leadership team and general housekeeping.
10:45 AM
Behind-the-Scenes: It was NEVER about the Dragons
Louis was one of the top 15 qualifiers for Iron Viz 2023. He will be sharing a behind-the-scenes on how he built his dashboard on 'It was NEVER about the Dragons'. This session will be catered for beginner level.
11:15 AM
Tableau Conference 23
Didn't manage to catch TC2023 at Las Vegas? Fret not as we're here with some post-TC coverage!
11:35 AM
Closing & Networking
Stick around and get to know everyone!


  • Louis Yu

    2K Games

    User Group Leader

  • Phyllis Tay


    User Group Leader

  • Aloysius Ong

    DP World

    User Group Leader

  • WenBin Y.


    Business Architecture Analyst


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