The Southern Africa Tableau User Group: An introduction

Southern Africa Tableau User Group

Apr 11, 4:45 – 6:30 PM (UTC)

Best PracticesCommunity-LedNetworking

69 RSVP'd

About this event

Curious about unlocking the power of the Tableau community? Discover how you can turbocharge your Tableau skills by tapping into its vast resources. Ready to master those elusive Tableau tips and tricks? Don't miss out – join our talk!

Join us for our inaugural user group event of the year! We're thrilled to embark on this journey with you, focusing on learning and skill development in the dynamic realm of data visualization.

We'll kick things off with introductions to the user group and its co-leaders. Andre Nienaber, the Tableau Enterprise Account Manager in South Africa, will also be joining us and share his insight.

We encourage members to introduce themselves in the chat, sharing their name, role and location.

Our primary goal for this event is to empower our members with Tableau knowledge and tools for success. To achieve this, we have a special guest, Tableau Ambassador, Tore Levinsen, who will delve into the Tableau community and its myriad resources. Additionally, he'll engage us with a session highlighting the best of his #TinyTableauTip from his weekly X-post.

We'll conclude with a Q&A session and open discussion about future user group events.

We look forward to your participation!

Gentle reminder:
All attendees are expected to behave respectfully and appropriately, including during casual conversations. By attending, you agree to follow these expectations. If you or anyone you notice feel uncomfortable, please reach out to the organizers. Please review the Code of Conduct before the event.


  • Tore Levinsen

    Inmeta Consulting

    Tableau Jedi



Thursday, April 11, 2024
4:45 PM – 6:30 PM (UTC)


5:00 PMWelcome and leader introductions
5:05 PMMember introductions (community and networking)
5:10 PMIntroduction to the user group and guest speaker
5:15 PMLeveraging the resources available within the Tableau community & the best of Tore’s weekly X-post (#TinyTableauTip)
6:00 PMQ&A session and future user group activities


  • Craig Andrew


    Head of Data Analytics

  • Tienie de Klerk

    Moyo Business Advisory

    General Manager, Partners

  • Suzanne Edlmann

    Slipstream Data

    Tableau User Group Leader

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