Sydney Tableau User Group - June 28th 2023

Sydney Tableau User Group

Jun 28, 2023, 5:00 – 7:00 AM (UTC)

The Data School Australia, Level 10, 275 George St, Sydney, 2000

126 RSVP'd

About this event

Sydney Tableau User Group - June 28th 2023

In person event, come an join us as we talk all thing visual


No discussions are currently posted


  • Yuli Candiago

    The GPT Group

    Data Insights Manager

  • Seema Keswani

    The Data School

  • Sammy Do

    The Data School

  • Mac Bryla


    Head of EV Solutions



Wednesday, June 28, 2023
5:00 AM – 7:00 AM (UTC)


5:00 AM
5:10 AM
Seema Keswani & Sammy Do - Amazing New Tableau Feature
Data Schoolers, Seema and Sammy, will deliver a presentation focusing on the most recent features offered by Tableau. Tableau has always been at the forefront of innovation, and this latest version brings two remarkable additions: Tableau GPT and Tableau Pulse. Tableau GPT introduces natural language processing capabilities, allowing users to interact with their data using conversational queries. Tableau Pulse, on the other hand, provides real-time data streaming and monitoring capabilities, enabling users to visualize and analyse streaming data with ease. Additionally, they will showcase two great new features announced in the recent release 2023.1. You will experience a live demonstration of the Accelerator Data mapping and Dynamic Axis Title features.
5:35 AM
Mac Bryla -Beyond Precision - Do data visualisations need to be precise?
Data visualisations allow us to communicate complex information to a broader audience, aiming to facilitate understanding and insight. While it is essential to present data accurately, there may be situations where absolute precision is unnecessary or even feasible. Join us for a presentation to explore imprecise data visualisations.
6:00 AM
Yuli Candiago - Data for Carbon Neutral Now, Nature Positive Next
Leadership in environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters is core to GPT’s Group strategy. At GPT we are focused on carbon neutral now, nature positive next. The collaborative and solution focused culture we have between Business Intelligence Team and Environmental Sustainability team has enabled us to lead data-driven culture in our organisation. GPT’s Environmental Sustainability Dashboard was created to highlight and communicate transparently GPT’s environmental performance from 2005 – 2022. We first published this in Feb 2022 and it has been a hit to GPT’s investors and prospective tenants. Our internal and external stakeholders can now access our environmental performance any time with ease and in a format that will cater to stakeholders who want to get their asset’s environmental performance from high level to detailed overview. Before migrating data to Tableau through Tableau prep, our environmental sustainability data was in an Excel spreadsheet and downloadable from our website. This Excel sheet was static and data was filtered through pre-determined views and funds to limit the Excel’s file size. Through the use of Tableau Prep and Tableau, not only we have created dynamic and interactive views, but also saved the company three weeks FTE time annually.
6:30 AM
Community Chatter - Birds of a Feather
Get together in groups and discuss what's going on in your Tableau world.
6:50 AM
Close Out
Final parting notes, who's hiring.


  • david tanner


    Tableau User Group Leader

  • Joon Kim

    Big W

    Tableau User Group Leader

  • Fred Najjar


    Tableau User Group Leader

  • Natalia Miteva

    Tableau User Group Leader

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