Kick off of the UK Retail TUG

UK Retail Tableau User Group

Sep 14, 2023, 4:45 – 6:30 PM (UTC)

John Lewis - School of Service 3rd floor, 101 The Arcade Westfield Stratford City Montfichet Road London, London, E20 1EL

Our first meeting . We will be holding this in John Lewis Stratford - we are lining up some great speakers to talk about Tableau in Retail .

Best PracticesCommunity SpotlightCommunity-LedNetworking

39 RSVP'd

About this event

Come and hear how Retailers are using Tableau to get data into the hands of the right people and make a difference to our customers and our business's.   

Brick or Clicks it does not matter data is key in retail, "retail is detail !" We all share common goals in a competitive marketplace - so come and visit the amazing John Lewis School of Service and hear some real-life examples of how we are making a difference. 

We have a variety of speakers, if you want to speak at the event or subsequent event get in contact. 


No discussions are currently posted


  • Libby Hickey

    John Lewis Partnership

    Tableau Product Manager

  • Phil Cheeseman


    Solutions Engineer


4:45 PM
Intro and Kick off
Libby Hickey JLP Tableau Product Owner and Star of TC23
5:00 PM
Libby Hickey JLP Tableau Product Owner and Star of TC23
7xperts - Using Advanced Mapping in Tableau for All
5:30 PM
7xperts - Using Advanced Mapping in Tableau for All
Michael Cato JLP Tableau Product Owner Customer - Using customer data
6:00 PM
Michael Cato JLP Tableau Product Owner Customer - Using customer data


  • phil cheeseman

    John Lewis Partnerhsip

    Solutions Engineer

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