Matt Bovetz Presents Data Analysis in Cyber Security

Veterans Advocacy Tableau User Group

Jul 19, 2023, 10:00 – 11:30 PM (UTC)

Matt will talk about the following: The Power of Data Visualization in Decision Making, the Intersection of Cyber Security and Data Analysis, & Navigating a Career Change into Cybersecurity and Data Analysis

33 RSVP'd

About this event

Matt devoted 20 dedicated years to the U.S. Navy. As a Signals Analyst, he served with distinction alongside Admirals, Ambassadors, and Navy Seals, skillfully harnessing the power of data visualization and analysis to inform strategic communication and tactical planning. These crucial roles enabled him to shape significant decisions on a national scale. This experience not only honed Matt’s impressive analytical skills but also nurtured his deep understanding of cybersecurity, setting a solid foundation for his civilian career. Today, Matt brings his invaluable experience and adeptness at data visualization and analysis to AT&T’s cybersecurity division. There, he embodies the same commitment, tenacity, and analytical prowess that distinguished his military service.


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  • Matthew Bovetz


    Sr. Cyber Security Analyst



Wednesday, July 19, 2023
10:00 PM – 11:30 PM (UTC)


10:00 PM
Opening Remarks
10:05 PM
Vet 2 Viz Series
10:15 PM
Matthew Bovetz
11:00 PM
Closing Remarks / Networking


  • Ethan Lang

    TUG Ambassador


  • Ethan Lang

    Playfair Data

    User Group Ambassador

  • Tim Blaisdell

    Federal Aviation Administration

    User Group Ambassador

  • James Eselgroth

    Highlight Technologies


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