Florida Tableau User Group


The Florida Tableau User Group covers the entire state of Florida, and beyond. We used to be just an Orlando group but after having monthly meetings for so long, we notice no other group in Florida was active. Tableau graciously allowed us to change our name to reach more people.

Our Promise...

  • Monthly events (virtual / hybrid / in-person) to increase our understanding of data visualization best practices, grow our #datafam community, network, and increase adoption across the state.
  • Monthly speakers
  • Networking
  • Giving back to the community
  • Provide a platform to share content
  • Share job opportunities and inspire career growth

Past events

17 jul 2024

Virtual Event

Discover the Secrets to Becoming a Tableau Influencer & Achieving #VOTD Success

26 jun 2024

Virtual Event

Unlock the Magic: Top Tableau Tips & Transformative Data Storytelling

30 may 2024

Virtual Event

Unlock Your Data Destiny: Tableau Resume Building & Social Good Viz

6 dic 2023

Virtual Event

Tableau Visionary Hall of Famer Andy Kriebel - Dynamic Zone Visibility

Load more


Aaron Simmons

User Group Ambassador Ariat International

Yamil Medina

User Group Ambassador SeeK

Contact Us