Ibadan Tableau User Group


Welcome to the Ibadan Tableau User Group – where data visualization meets community connection! 

At our Tableau User Group, we gather to explore the endless possibilities that Tableau offers and to share our knowledge and experiences. Whether you're a beginner dipping your toes into the world of data visualization or an advanced user pushing the boundaries of creativity, our community welcomes everyone with open arms.

Why should you join us? Well, apart from being part of a supportive community that shares your passion, the Ibadan Tableau User Group offers countless benefits. By participating in our events and activities, you'll gain access to invaluable networking opportunities to connect with fellow data enthusiasts, industry experts, and potential employers. You'll also have the chance to showcase your work, receive feedback, and collaborate on exciting projects. Additionally, we organize exclusive training sessions and provide resources to help you enhance your Tableau proficiency.

So, whether you're a data wizard, a visualization virtuoso, or just someone curious about the world of Tableau, join us at the Ibadan Tableau User Group and embark on an unforgettable journey of exploration, knowledge sharing, and camaraderie. Let's transform data into art, insights into impact, and connections into lifelong friendships. 

Together, we'll create a data-driven community like no other in Ibadan!

Join our official page here and after that, you can follow us on LinkedIn  and also join our WhatsApp Group

Past events

11 nov 2023

Virtual Event

Tableau Dashboard Design, Development, and Stakeholder Engagement

26 ago 2023

In-Person Event

From Chaos to Clarity: Organizing Personal Finances with Tableau


Ayoade Adegbite

Data Analyst CareerFoundry

Contact Us
