SK & CZ Tableau User Group (skczTUG) is an active place for discussion between Tableau Enthusiasts and Users, Data Scientists, Economists and Statisticians of all levels in Slovakia & Czechia/Slovak republic & Czech republic using Tableau for data analysis and data visualization.
The goals are to build Tableau community in Slovakia & Czechia and to provide Tableau enthusiasts a place to share ideas and learn from each other about how best to apply Tableau to ever-evolving challenges in the vast realm of data analytics, management, processing and visualization.
We share here interesting articles, links to books or work of others in Tableau you find elsewhere, asking questions you have while working on a Tableau project/visualization, as well as presenting results of your own work in Tableau.
You can follow/join us on Twitter & other social networks
Contact person:
Radovan Kavicky, https://www.linkedin.com/in/radovankavicky/
• Founder of SK/CZ Tableau User Group (#skczTUG), PyData Bratislava (#PyDataBA), R <- Slovakia (#RSlovakia), Julia Users Group Slovakia (#JUGSlovakia)
• Data Science Instructor @ DataCamp, Learn2Code/Skillmea, BaseCamp.ai, GapData
• Principal Data Scientist & President at GapData Institute, where he harness the power of data & wisdom of economics for public good.
• Macroeconomist by academic background and Consultant & Data Scientist by professional background (11+ years of consulting for clients from public & private sector)
• Data Science Polyglot (R, Python, Julia ++more) & Data Science Veteran (11+ years in this area/Data Science consulting, education & community building)
• Specialities/Main area of expertise (hard skills): xAI (Explainable AI/ML), Econometrics, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Bayesian Statistics, Deep Learning (AI/ML/DL), Ethics & Transparency in AI/ML, Economic Policy (monetary&fiscal), Data Vis, Quant. Analyses
- Project-based consulting in the area of AI, Data Science & Economics
• Language skills: Native Slovak & Czech; Fluent English & German; Basic Russian
• IT & Data Science skills: (advanced level) R (dplyr +tidyverse, EconR, ggplot2, data.table, Shiny, mgcv, caret, RMd, forecast, AER), Python (pandas, NumPy, LIME, SHAP, matplotlib, Bokeh, QuantEcon, Jupyter Lab, StatsModels, scikit-learn, plotly, PyMC3), Julia, Tableau, MATLAB, Alteryx, SAS, Stata, Git (intermediate level) ML/DL (Keras + TensorFlow), Stan, MongoDB, MySQL, D3.js, Docker
• Member of Slovak Economic Association (SEA), IEEE Computer Society (Member, #IEEE), Slovak.AI (#SlovakAI)/AIslovakIA (#AIslovakIA), CLAIRE, European AI Alliance & TAILOR network
• Evangelist of Open Data, Open Budget Initiative & Open Government Partnership, Signatory of Manifesto for Data Practices (Data & AI Ethics Values and Principles, https://datapractices.org/manifesto/)
• Founder of PyData Slovakia/Bratislava (#PyDataSK #PyDataBA), R <- Slovakia (#RSlovakia), Julia Users Group Slovakia (#JUGSlovakia) & SK/CZ Tableau User Group (#skczTUG)
• Data Science Instructor @ DataCamp, BaseCamp.ai, Skillmea, GapData
• International Speaker @WeAreDevelopers (Berlin, 2023) @DSC Adria (Zagreb, 2023) @TAILOR (Brussels, 2023), @CODECON (Bratislava, 2023), @DSC DACH (Vienna, 2023), @DATAcated (New York, 2022), @PyData (Hamburg, 2022), @ML Prague (2023, 2022), @Data Science Summit (Warsaw, 2021), @PyData (Hong Kong, 2021), @ODSC Europe (London, 2021), @WeAreDevelopers (WeAreDevsLIVE, 2021), @Data Science Conference (DSG 6.0, 2023 & DSG 5.0, 2019), H2O.ai (Prague, 2019), @PyCon LT (PyData track, Vilnius, 2019), @VDSG (Linz, 2019), @EA Slovakia (2019), @TechSummit (Bratislava, 2017 & 2019), @OpenCamp (Bratislava, 2019) @PyData (Berlin, 2017)
• Member of the global Tableau #DataLeader network (2017)
2024년 3월 14일
Virtual Event
AI versus/and BI: Dremio & Tableau [SK & CZ Tableau User Group (#skczTUG) Meetup], March 2024
Contact Us