Analytics Tableau User Group February 2024 - Dashboard values - Overlays - Workbook Analyser

Analytics Tableau User Group

Feb 29, 2024, 5:00 – 7:00 PM (UTC)

Best PracticesCommunity-LedTableau-Led

1451 RSVP'd

About this event

The event will start at 6pm CET - 9am PST - 10pm IST

Come and learn from our amazing speakers :

- Emily Kund : How dashboard value adds value to you & your users. In this talk, Emily covers how to identify the value & how you can use that information to improve your dashboard. This information can also be used to demonstrate the value you add to your organization when it’s performance management time!

- Zach Bowders : Fast, Easy, Powerful Overlays. Zach walks through techniques and use cases for overlays built in Tableau

- Paula Muñoz : Understanding and decoding Tableau Workbooks with the Tableau Workbook Analyzer App. Ever stumble upon a Tableau Dashboard and think, "Wow, how did they do that?" You're not alone. We've all been there, admiring a dashboard and wishing we could uncover its secrets.

Let's embark on this exploration using the Tableau Workbook Analyzer App to understand how you can use it to save some time and understand what is behind a Tableau Workbook.


  • Zach Bowders

    Jones Lang LaSalle

    BI Specialist

  • Emily Kund


  • Paula Munoz

    Cleartelligence, Inc

    Data Visualization & Analytics Consultant


  • Annabelle Rincon

    Enjoying Life

    User Group Leader

  • Chimdi Nwosu

    VizSight Analytics

    User Group Leader

  • Prasann Prem


    User Group Leader

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