Analytics Tableau User Group : Special VizTsukurimaShow!

Analytics Tableau User Group

Apr 25, 11:00 PM – Apr 26, 1:00 AM

Best PracticesCommunity SpotlightCommunity-LedTableau-LedViz Games

406 RSVP'd

About this event

Join us for a special event with our brilliant Visionaries and Ambassador from Japan!

The event will take place on April 25th at 4PM PST - 7PM New York - April 26th 1 am Paris Time and 8am Tokyo Time

Who wants to join and show your productivity of making viz?

VizTsukurimaShow is a competition that shows your speed and knowledge of making vizzes. You can find many calculation/function tips or design patterns knowledge in the DataFam community however there are not so many programs that highlight the speed of manipulating. That is why we started this content and we hope you enjoy this new style competition.

The competition rules are very simple. We provide a viz. You see a provided viz and recreate it. The fastest person who reproduces will win.

This content originally came from Japan Tableau User Group (JTUG). JTUG provides many unique contents and VizTsukurimaShow is one of the most popular contents in the Japan Tableau community.

“VizTsukurimaShow(VizつくりまShow)” meaning:

Tsukurima-sho(つくりましょう) = Let’s make

“-sho” is same pronounce as “Show”

So “VizTsukurimaShow” means “ ‘Let’s make viz’ show”

At the event, we will use the US version of Sample Superstore data.

Therefore, please download the data from the link below.


  • Chiaki Ishida

  • Satoshi Ganeko

  • Yuta Sakai

  • KT


    Senior Product Marketing Manager and Evangelist


  • Annabelle Rincon

    Enjoying Life

    User Group Leader

  • Chimdi Nwosu

    VizSight Analytics

    User Group Leader

  • Prasann Prem


    User Group Leader

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