Apr 27, 2023, 4:00 – 6:00 PM (UTC)
April 2023
2841 RSVP'd
Andy Kriebel presented Tableau Techniques for Top Notch Spatial Analytics
Join us to learn how to get the most out of spatial analytics in Tableau. Discover how you can use the power of location-based data to gain deeper insights and make better decisions. Learn how to leverage spatial data in Tableau to:
1. create interactive maps
2. perform spatial analysis, and
3. visualize complex geospatial information with ease
Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your data visualization skills and take your analytics to the next level.
Ressources :
Rat sighting data - updated daily - data.cityofnewyork.us/Social-Services/Rat-Sightings/3q43-55fe
workflows and workbook drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Pj3HHHBrUoYe1F3TlJxqBXeBEU5tgDDo?usp=sharing
Tableau Visual Vocabulary - vizwiz.com/2018/07/visual-vocabulary.html
Adam Mico presented "Data Visualization Best Practices for Business Application | The 5 Basics".
Many data visualization developers struggle to make an impact and engage when producing insights. Keep these five tips in the front of mind to help take your visualizations to a greater audience.
Ressources :
Chart Examples help.tableau.com/current/pro/desktop/en-us/what_chart_example.htm
Visual Analytics : help.tableau.com/current/blueprint/en-us/bp_why_visual_analytics.htm
Infographics vs. Business Dashboards bootcamp.uxdesign.cc/infographics-vs-business-dashboards-e004dc523ae6
Accessibility: highcharts.com/blog/tutorials/10-guidelines-for-dataviz-accessibility/
Workbook : https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/keyrus/viz/PaidMediaAnalysisKeyrus/PaidMediaAnalysisOverview
Maxime Baux, presented "Logic behind Custom charts" and show us some of the techniques ones must know to create custom visualisations.
He will present the logic behind custom charts and how to leverage the power of tableau calculations & the datasource's relationship model.
Ressources :
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Principal, Data Visualization and Enablement
Data Visualization Freelance
The Data School
Former Global Head Coach
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