Iron Viz: Student Edition - Lights, Camera, Data-Action!

StudentXCommunity Tableau User Group

Nov 21, 2023, 5:00 – 7:00 PM

55 RSVP'd

About this event

This year's Iron Viz: Student Edition theme is all about the magic of movies. We've partnered with Data + Movies, utilising the same dataset. Dive into the world of film and explore the data behind your favourite movies. Uncover insights, create stunning visualisations, and join us on a cinematic journey through data. We are offering INCREDIBLE prizes, which include a fully paid trip to Tableau Conference and a $250 Tableau store gift card.

Hosts & Speakers:

Our event will be hosted by our Academic Ambassadors, who will guide you through an exciting agenda filled with insights, workshops, and expert advice.


Opening Remarks: Get inspired by our welcoming address and an overview of the day's events.

Session 1 - Navigating Data + Movies: Our Academic Ambassadors will introduce you to the Data + Movies theme and offer tips on getting started with your data exploration.

Session 2 - Learning from the Pros: Past winner of the Student Iron Viz, Karolina Grodzińska, will share her experiences and insights on creating a winning viz.

Session 3 - Expert Advice: Tableau Public Ambassador, Jessica Moon, will provide expert guidance on making your Data + Movies viz stand out. Learn about best practices, techniques, and innovative approaches. Check out her Data + Movies Viz here!

Session 4 - Judging Insights: Gain a deeper understanding of what judges look for in a winning viz. Hear from Will Sutton a judge and previous winner of The Iron Viz, who will offerhis invaluable advice.

Q&A and Networking: A chance to interact with speakers, judges, and fellow participants.

We look forward to having you join us in November for an unforgettable StudentXCommunity Tug experience!


  • Jessica Moon


    Data Analyst

  • Karolina Grodzińska

  • Will Sutton

    The Information Lab

    Tableau/Alteryx Consultant


  • Ian Cedric Io

  • Taiwo Adegite

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