345 RSVP'd
Join us for the first Tableau Prep User Group of 2024! This event is scheduled for audiences in EMEA and AMER (sorry APAC region - you'll be able to catch up with the recording after the event!) We've got 2 wonderful speakers:
Louis Yu - Tableau Public Ambassador
Demystifying XML files with Tableau Prep
XML files are notoriously hard to work with and who wants to do manual data cleaning?! But with any process, it's about understanding your data structure and extracting what you need using Regular Expressions (REGEX). Join Louis as he shows you how to do so using Apple Health app data to create his fitness journey dashboard: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/louisyu/viz/FromYoyotoYolo/Overview
Zack Cordeiro
Tableau Prep Essentials
A brief introduction into Tableau Prep and its use cases.
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